
Daily Direct Mega Packs
OnlySimps Official
Nov 11, 2024
🌠:810 Pics

by @theonlydetectiv on telegram 34.jpegby @theonlydetectiv on telegram 235.jpegby @theonlydetectiv on telegram 59.jpg

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If you're falling through with this their are a couple of things you need to know. When the tower turns on, it gets a bit loud, but when it fully boots up, sound goes quite. I can send you a video if you'd like. Sometimes, the gpu fan would overheat, possibly due to a cooling defect. So all you need to do is download the msi afterburner after that you won't have any problems with it. The only reason I'm getting rid of it is i recently bought a new one. I'm just making sure you know it is just the tower. If you're still interested, please let me know.